Results - Duke of Buccleuch's ( NEW)

Race 1: 148cms & under NOVICE RIDER Race

For qualified Riders who at the start of the season haven’t WON an OPEN Point-to-Point or an OPEN Pony Club Race, nor a “NOVICE  RIDER” (Point-to-Point) race and who have never taken part in the  Racecourse series aka "Charles Owen".

For qualified Ponies which haven’t WON or been placed second in any OPEN Point-to-Point, OPEN Pony Club or OPEN Racecourse  (Charles Owen) race since 1st January 2018. Combinations must  have qualified as per the PRA Regulations. Any combination winning two of these races won’t be eligible to enter / run in another Novice Riders race until the Championship Finals.

Races 2 & 3: OPEN
Entry Requirements
As of 26TH FEBRUARY - Please note the Pony Races for this fixture have been changed - the Novice Rider race is now for ponies 148cms & under and a 138 OPEN race has been added to the card. NONE of the races will divide.

Contact: Carolyn Maclay
07967 397549
Whitelee Steading, Melrose. TD6 0SH

A prize with be given to the best turned out pony in each race to the value of £10. A prize will be given to the highest placed under 128cms in the first race.
